The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.

What we do
We help you understand your story.
We help you uncover the meaning of your story.
We make space for new stories.
We learn when to stay with our story and when to leave it.
Who are the people that have influenced you?
What are the events that have shaped you?
How do you see your place in the world?
What is it you believe about yourself? Because what you believe is what you live.
How we do it
We explore the world through the lens of your significant relationships including family members, friends, colleagues, and community.
We look at individual, family and cultural patterns of functioning.
We study important events and occasions in your life.
We develop the ability to think as an individual while staying meaningfully connected to others.
We form a systemic perspective by moving away from ’cause and effect’ way of thinking to seeing how every person’s impulses are part of a circuit of reactions that flow between relationships.
We learn how to remain both a distinct self and part of a relationship.
Pronounced (ho-tee)
Who is hoteibear?

If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.
– African Proverb
Hotei (pronounced ho-tee): an incarnation of the buddha. The god of happiness and laughter, known to possess the wisdom of contentment. He brings hope to those who suffer. It is said that whatever you ask of Hotei, if it is with pure intentions, he will provide it for you.
Bear: an animal symbolizing strength, confidence, and grounding. Inspiring those who need the courage to stand up against adversity.
HoteiBear was an inspiration to everyone he encountered. Found abandoned and abused, he lived beyond the constraints of his birth story. He understood that even though we don’t get to write the first chapter of our life, we write the rest. Full of wisdom, soulfulness and bravery he always showed up for life.
Beyond grateful for sharing seventeen years with him, Hotei taught me that our circumstances don’t equal our courage. To always choose curiosity over fear. That endurance and agility are more important than speed. And that everything that needs to be said, can be said without saying a word.
Why we do it
The beliefs, assumptions, expectations that you’ve gotten from your friends, family, culture — those things, are the filter through which you see the world. Your mind stands between who you are, your personality and whatever situation you are in. It interprets the world around it, and how it feels about what it sees. And so when the stuff inside the mind changes, the person changes.
-Walter Mischel
Who this work is for
Everyone with a story.
Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive.
-Howard Thurman
Get Started
By appointment only
2290 East Avenue,
Rochester, NY 14610
After receiving her graduate degree from the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry Alicia began her professional career as a marriage and family therapist. After working with individuals and couples Alicia realized that businesses and organizations can be the most powerful force for good in the world and can have the greatest capacity to positively impact individuals, couples and family relationships.
In recent years she expanded her work by offering executive and performance coaching to CEO’s, entrepreneurs, businesses, community leaders, organizations, educators, people in government, the military, and in healthcare.
Combining scientific research and practical application she is sought out for her expertise in relational health, team building, increasing employee engagement, negotiation and communication. She is passionate about human relationships and the complex science behind all human interaction.
She infuses her work with curiosity, creativity, integrity and authenticity and asks that her clients do the same.